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iOS build and uploading to App Store

1. Getting ready

1.1 Firstly, you need to update your git branch ( to get new changes ) and then write

npm install
After that, make sure that you prepared everything to **production**. in environment.ts
  production: true, 
  development: false,

Skip this step (1.2) if you did not add plugin

1.2 If you added plugin, you need run command

ionic cap sync ios --configuration=production 
in terminal

After that close XCode, open ios/App (where located Podfile) directory in Finder, open terminal here and run command pod install

1.3 Now run command

 ionic cap copy ios --configuration=production 
in project's terminal

2. Xcode settings

2.1 Connect your device and build for testing. After, testing everything, you need to increase version. Before archiving project check all settings in Xcode, like: general, signing and capabilities, info.plist and etc.

2.2 Click Product -> Archive. Wait a while!

2.3 After archiving new version, click Distribute App -> App Store Connect Next -> Upload Next -> Next -> Automatically Next -> Wait a while -> Click Upload -> Wait long :)

2.4 If app successfully uploaded click Done.

3. App Store Connect

3.1 Open -> Sign in -> My Apps -> Click Your app -> Open TestFlight

You will most likely see your application being processed. Wait a while.

3.2 After processing, click App Store and click + near apps for iOS. Write version for store.

3.3 Next you need to check app by credentials you provided to Apple. Write what's new in this version

Add new build to this version

Save it, then add to test.

That's it!